You have an Affirmative Duty to do Estate Planning

Most states, including North Carolina, have laws in place that establish what your Estate Plan will be. Those Laws may be the opposite of what you actually want. In North Carolina under those laws, in a family with a husband and wife with children, in most scenarios, two thirds (2/3) of the parent’s estate, when... [Read More]

Summer Travel and Healthcare Authority

Summer is when many Americans are traveling out-of-state. They are on vacation to new places or to visit with loved ones or family. As we cross state lines one concern is that our Healthcare Power of Attorney a/k/a Healthcare Proxy might not be accepted in another state. For example if you have a Healthcare Power... [Read More]

The Cuban Missile Crisis and North Korea

We were closer to the nuclear war in the 1960’s than we ever imagined. My Dad was a very good business man, well traveled, a great story teller and one who got others to share their stories.  One of the stories my Father had told to him was received from a group of gentlemen after... [Read More]

North Korea, Kidnapping and Estate Planning

As North Korea declares a state of war on the United States and South Korea, and a leading news story shows by security camera a couple being kidnapped in broad daylight in Manhattan Sunday, we think about the “Worse Case Scenario”.  We want to make sure that we have planned in advance in case we... [Read More]

Estate Planning is not really about taxes.

Estate Planning is really about the family and not about taxes. When I have asked my clients what their primary concerns are, their first answer is they want to protect themselves in the event of physical and mental disability and protect the surviving spouse in the event of physical or mental disability and in the... [Read More]

President Trying to Raise Taxes Again

I told you so!  Most thought that the tax raises that went into effect in the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 would be the end of the raised taxes.   The Republicans agreed to raise taxes without receiving any concessions in spending from the White House in negotiating over the American Taxpayer Relief Act of... [Read More]

Estate Planning for Blended Families Is an Adventure

Any time you are doing Estate Planning for Blended Families, it is always a balancing act.  You have to balance the couple’s desire to take care of each other vs. their desire to take care of their children from their previous marriage.  As usual, a Revocable Living Trust is the best foundational Estate Planning tool. ... [Read More]

Redo Your Estate Plan If You Separate or Divorce

We see many, many situations where a person has become separated from their spouse or divorced, but still has their estranged or ex-spouse as their Trustee and Beneficiary under their Living Trust, or Personal Representative and Beneficiary under their Will.  Further, they forget to change out the Death Beneficiaries on many of their financial vehicles. ... [Read More]