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    Steven developed a thorough plan to meet our complicated needs with a blended family and special needs child in a timely manner. - Cheryl F.

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    Mr. Jackson made a tough process easy and painless! - Kyle M.

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    "Integrity, trust - a rare item - it's here! - Ron F.

FAQ: Is Government the Answer?

NOTE: This is an excerpt from the book, The Legacy You Leave, by Steven Andrew Jackson, Esq.  You can buy the book on Amazon or Kindle.  Click here for details.

Is government the answer? We all laugh when someone says, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help,” which is not a good sign. Rarely is the government efficient or responsive in particular situations, and they are rarely the answer in estate planning.
If you don’t have a valid estate plan, I mean, an estate plan that works, your assets move by the state statutes in the state that you live in, and that determines where everything you own goes by bloodline relationship.

I have seen many cases where the clients have not done estate planning or have done it improperly, and the assets go to people they have never met in their lifetime. Anytime you are in probate court (which is where things will go if you have a Will based estate plan, or you don’t have an estate plan), there is always a loss of control inside the court system. There is a large cost, it is public record, it is not efficient, and it
is slow. We’ll talk more about that later.

NOTE: This is an excerpt from the book, The Legacy You Leave, by Steven Andrew Jackson, Esq.  You can buy the book on Amazon or Kindle.  Click here for details.

At the Law Firm of Steven Andrew Jackson, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, we have helped hundreds of families protect themselves and their loved ones, avoid Estate Taxes and Probate Costs, and keep their Estate Plans current with the law through The Customized Protective Estate Planning Solution™.