Use Written End of Life Directives

We are all going to pass on.  Even Lazarus, who Jesus called out of the tomb, eventually passed on again and is not here among us. A Living Will gives your consent to removal of life support (often a ventilator) if you are terminally and incurably ill and death is imminent, or if you are... [Read More]

Regardless of the Election

Regardless of the outcome the federal and state elections, Probate Court Costs in North Carolina can be up to $6,000.00 per person or $12,000.00 per couple.  Administrative costs, much of that including attorney’s fees, will still average 5% to 7% of your assets that move through Probate Court.  The average time to move through Probate... [Read More]

What Is A Living Will?

A Living Will is a legal document that normally states that if you are terminal and incurable and death is imminent, or if you are in a permanently vegetative state and not coming back, the medical providers may remove you from a ventilator, if you are on one.  It may also authorize the removal of... [Read More]

A Will Cannot Plan for Mental Disability

A Will is only effective when you die, not before.  It only moves assets that are titled in your name through the Probate Court.  If there is real estate in different counties and different states, you may have multiple Probates to move those pieces of land.  The Will cannot plan for Mental Disability care.  We... [Read More]